Financial Aid Appeals
Financial Aid Appeals
The Office of Student Financial Aid Services (SFAS) recognizes that students and/or families may experience unique circumstances that may warrant further review. Students may submit the appeals to our office which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The appeals must be submitted with all the requested supporting documents (SFAS reserves the right to request any documents deemed necessary for the appeal). The appeals without complete documentation will not be processed. The appeal decision of the Office of Student Financial Aid Services will be final.
Income Adjustment Appeal
The FAFSA uses your family’s annual income from two years ago to project how much your family can afford to contribute to your educational expenses while you attend college. Federal law allows us to make certain adjustments to student/parent income data to accurately reflect your current situation on a case-by-case basis. If your family has experienced one or more of the following situations, you may submit an appeal for income adjustment.
Loss of income due to unemployment, disability, or retirement
Loss of full-time employment
Death of a parent or spouse that occurred after the FAFSA was filed
Divorce or separation that occurred after the FAFSA was filed
Exceptional medical and/or dental expenses incurred and not paid by insurance
Termination of benefits or income such as child support, alimony, SS benefits
One-time occurrence of income such as a debt cancellation, an inheritance, or hardship IRA withdrawals
Cost of Attendance Appeal
As per federal regulations, a student’s total financial aid, including loans and federal work-study, may not exceed a student's Cost of Attendance. However, if your education-related expenses exceed the current Cost of Attendance and you need additional loan funds, you can submit a Cost of Attendance Appeal. SFAS reviews these appeals on a case-by-case basis and may adjust the Cost of Attendance. This appeal does not result in non-loan funding. Examples of these expenses are increased childcare expenses, disability expenses, unexpected housing costs, etc. All the requested documents must be provided. Some of the supporting documents include but are not limited to proof of expense, payment receipts, and canceled checks. For more information, contact us at